NDI Resources
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We can help you with that! Please click here to find out what you can order. Note what you need, then fill out the NDI order form.
Free Printable Materials
Meditation and Contemplation:
Lectio Divina Brochure
Centering Prayer Brochure
Free Digital Materials
Wesleyan Holiness Digital Library (WHDL) offers free digital materials in multiple languages; you can browse by language. The WHDL is a branch of The Foundry Publishing.
Discipleship Engagement
We highly recommend using The Discipleship Place that provides different Courses, Resources, and a free mobile app! See below:
Bible & Theology
Here you will find the validated course of study for the Certificate of Lay Ministry. While anyone is welcome to take these studies, these studies are designed for laity who have gone through the steps outlined by the Manual for the Church of the Nazarene.
Children’s Ministry
The courses for this area of focus will help you gain insight into best practices for children’s ministry.
Welcome to the Church of the Nazarene is a straightforward, basic introduction to church membership, written in everyday language for anyone interested in the history, beliefs, organization, practices, and mission of the Nazarene denomination. Both members and non-members will find this study a great way to become acquainted, or reacquainted, with the people and passion that grew into the Church of the Nazarene.
Small-Group Courses
The courses are designed for you to do with others who are part of the Discipleship Place family. You will be able to comment on each of the lessons as you move through the lessons at your pace.
Youth Ministry
There are two concentrated areas of focus for the Youth Ministry Academy studies.
First, there is the theological and doctrinal area of focus. By working through these courses you will gain insight and understanding as it relates to faith and practice.
The second concentrated area of focus deals specifically with best practices in youth ministry. These courses will help you gain insight into best practices for youth ministry.
This section of the website is designed to help you grow in your walk with Christ. The available studies will serve as a catalyst for growth and transformation.
Denomination Wide
Downloadable group study materials for recommended books.
If you are looking for a curriculum for use in small groups or one-on-one discipleship, you will find this growing section of the web site beneficial.
Each study comes with free, downloadable resources such as a leader’s guide, handouts, and PowerPoint presentations.
The Discipleship Place is pleased to bring conference calls and webinars to you on a regular basis. These will cover a wide range of topics from family issues, how to study the Bible, how to communicate effectively, and more. Every session features a presentation by an expert in the field, followed by a time of questions by those who participate. Each session lasts about an hour.
Mobile App
Your church can receive a customizable, discipleship mobile app. This mobile app has proprietary technology designed to deliver Scripture on a daily basis tailored to specific spiritual needs of the user.
*Note: Content under Discipleship Engagement was taken from the Discipleship Place website.