Local License
Northern California District
Local License
The first step in the credentialing process, you need to talk to your pastor, and have them recommend you and present a motion to the church board to grant you a local minister’s license.
Fill out an Application for Local Minister’s License.
English- Application for Local Minister’s License
Spanish- Application for Local Minister’s License
Korean- Application for Local Minister’s License
Chinese- Application for Local Minister’s License
This document is to be completed by the candidate and submitted to the local church pastor, who, if the Pastor and Church Board recommend, will forward a copy of said Application to BOTH the District Board of Ministry secretary, Rev. Becca Dyke, credentialing@norcal.org, and to the District Office, christinehung@norcal.org
The pastor and Church Board will ask questions consistent with the Official Interview Guidelines for the Local Minister’s License.
A record of the responses should be forwarded by the pastor to BOTH the District Board of Ministry secretary, Rev. Becca Dyke, credentialing@norcal.org, and to the District Office.
Have your church do a Criminal Background Check on you, and have them report to BOTH the District Board of Ministry secretary, Rev. Becca Dyke, credentialing@norcal.org, and to the District Office, almarierodriguez@norcal.org that this requirement has been completed.
Have your pastor complete a Request for Verification of Credential History form, submitting the Form to BOTH the District Board of Ministry secretary, Rev. Becca Dyke, credentialing@norcal.org, and to the District Office.
If you have personally experienced a divorce you must complete the process for removing the divorce barrier (for assistance; Rev. Becca Dyke, credentialing@norcal.org)
Begin an approved course of study. Contact District Board of Ministry studies secretary, contact Rev. Cielo Perez (ministerialstudies@norcal.org), for confirmation of approved courses.
Comience un curso de estudio aprobado. Comuníquese con la secretaria de estudios de la Junta de Ministerio del Distrito, comuníquese con la Rev. Cielo Pérez (ministerialstudies@norcal.org, o comuníquese con la Rev. Maria Santiago (bomespanol@norcal.org) para confirmar los cursos aprobados.
Examples of validated courses of study for the Northern California district are:
A Nazarene university such as Point Loma Nazarene University. You can view the full roster of available options here.
Seminario Nazareno de las Américas (SENDAS)
Ejemplos de cursos de estudio validados para el distrito del norte de California son– Una universidad nazarena como la Point Loma Nazarene University. Puede ver la lista completa de opciones disponibles aquí.– Colegio Bíblico Nazareno en línea o Universidad Nazarena del Noroeste en línea- cursos en español– Seminario Nazareno de las Américas (SENDAS)
You are required to complete Nazarene History and Polity, the Doctrine of Holiness, plus 4 other classes in the course of study to qualify for a District License
After completing all the requirements as outlines above, go to this link to receive a printed copy of your local license.
A Local Minister’s License must be renewed annually. This means you will need to apply for renewal of your license before the current license expires. The process for renewal is slightly different to the process when you are first granted a [first-time] Local Minister's License. During the renewal interview, you should be prepared to discuss the progress and growth of your spiritual walk, your call to ministry, your ministry involvement, and the status of your educational preparation.
Please take note: After holding a local license for two years, you may seek renewal of your license only if you have completed at least two courses in a validated Course of Study program (see 2017-2021 Nazarene Manual 529.4).
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